"I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become."
- Carl Gustav Jung
Existential therapy and coaching
In my role as an existential psychologist I offer support during life's complex phases: my approach ranges from providing a steadying presence in your challenging times to guiding you through an extensive journey of personal reconstruction.

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Career counselling
It's remarkable how understanding your strengths and values can enhance your love for your work and guide you in making the right career decisions.

Consider this as your personal professional compass for life.

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Breathwork (coming soon!)
Discover the transformative power of breath with tailored up to case sessions for more profound insights, deeper relaxation and trauma healing

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  • 1
    Higher psychological education
    Integrated Bachelor's and Master's Degree Program, Specialisation in 'Emergency Psychology'

    Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology in collaboration with the Emergency Psychological Assistance Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (2008 - 2013).

    Qualification: Psychologist, Psychology Teacher.
  • 2
    Higher psychological education
    Master of Counselling with a primary specialization in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT, REBT & ACT) - Monash University, Singapore (2020)."
  • 3
    Long-term psychotherapy programs (higher psychological education)
    Joint Master of Science in Existential Analysis and Psychotherapy Diploma in Existential Analysis - The University of Salzburg, Austria and GLE-International (2022 - 2026)

    Basic Course in the Viennese School of Existential Analysis by Alfried Längle - GLE-International (2019 - 2022).
  • 4
    HR & career coaching
    Professional Retraining Diploma in Human Resources Management - Institute of Practical Psychology, Higher School of Economics (2014).

    Career Counselling: Existential-Analytical Approach - GLE-International (2020).
  • 5
    Coaching - ICTP diploma
    International Level Professional Coach Program (accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)) - CoachingUp University (2020 - 2021).
  • 6
    Additional trainings
    Professional Development in Technologies of Psychological Correction of Psychosomatic Diseases (2020).

    First Level in Gestalt Therapy - Moscow Gestalt Institute (2012).
Existential therapy and coaching
changes come to those who are ready
What is Existential Psychological Counseling?
Existential psychological counseling empowers you to:

  • Cultivate Inner Strength: Explore and tap into the reservoir of resilience and inner strength within you, helping you to face life's adversities with courage and determination.

  • Navigate Life Crises: Whether you're grappling with a personal crisis, a major life transition, or an existential dilemma, our counseling approach provides a safe space for you to process your emotions, gain perspective, and find a path forward.

  • Find Meaning in Adversity: Embrace life's challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation, discovering meaning and purpose even in the midst of adversity.

Our counseling sessions are designed to support you in harnessing your innate resources, uncovering new insights, and developing practical strategies to overcome obstacles and thrive in all aspects of your life.

If you're facing a crossroads, feeling overwhelmed by life's uncertainties, or simply seeking greater clarity and fulfillment, our counselling services offer a compassionate and supportive space for you to explore, heal, and grow.
How it works?
Psychological counseling from an existential perspective is a journey of self-discovery and growth that empowers you to:

  • Implement Tangible Changes: Through introspection and reflection, you'll identify areas of your life where you desire change and develop practical strategies to bring about meaningful transformations.

  • Identify and Pursue Authentic Goals: By exploring your values, beliefs, and aspirations, you'll gain clarity on what truly matters to you and take steps towards aligning your actions with your authentic self.

  • Realise Your Potential: Through supportive guidance and exploration, you'll uncover your unique strengths, talents, and capabilities, enabling you to unlock your full personal and professional potential.

  • Facilitate Neurological Growth: Engaging in meaningful dialogue and self-reflection stimulates cognitive processes, fostering the formation of new neural connections and promoting adaptive changes in thought patterns and behaviors.

Existential psychological counseling provides a safe and supportive space for you to confront and reconcile your internal struggles with external realities. By embracing your existential concerns and exploring the deeper questions of existence, You'll cultivate resilience, authenticity, and purpose, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with clarity and conviction.

If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, our counseling services offer the guidance and support you need to live with authenticity and purpose.

Career counselling

combination of career coaching techniques and existential analysis
Career Consultations: What is it?
A consultation will help you clarify your values and strengths, analyze your past experiences, and build fitting career opportunities.

This won't involve orientation tests or resume-building, though those can be arranged if needed.
What is your approach?
After graduating with a degree in psychology, I furthered my education in human resources and personnel management. I then spent several years working in HR, both within a company and later in consulting, where I implemented a major career and succession management project for a Russian state corporation.

With additional education in career counseling using an existential-analytical approach, I combined therapeutic methods with my previous experience in career development.

This allows me to merge in my consultations:

  • An understanding of corporate processes, including how to speak the language of benefit in a business environment, how to position oneself as an expert, and which skills and competencies are necessary for different positions;
  • A personalised approach within the scope of existential analysis, where we discuss how to structure your professional activities based on your strengths and values.
What kind of questions can I bring to a career consultation?

  • I don't know what I want in my career and professional development. I don't know where my place is in work and life. I don't understand what to rely on when making decisions.
  • Which profession should I choose? What kind of career transition would be most successful for me?
  • I no longer like my job, what happened? Can anything be changed or should I look for something new?
  • My profession is no longer in demand in the market, how can I transform my skills?
  • In which tasks am I more efficient, and which ones are better delegated?
  • I want to change my profession, but I'm not sure if it's right for me or I don't know how.
  • I want to discover my true career path.
  • What should I do after maternity leave?
  • Where should I study? What kind of primary or additional education should I get?
  • I want to go freelance, but I'm scared.
  • I'm experiencing burnout.


combination of connected breathing, electronic music sets and guided meditation for your ultimate transformation
Breathwork: What is it?
If you need something deeper than meditation and a bit more intense, than a therapy.

Experience the profound impact of breathwork as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Our tailored breathwork sessions offer a unique opportunity to delve deep into the therapeutic power of the breath, guiding you towards profound insights, deeper relaxation, and healing from trauma.

What are the benefits?
Customized Sessions for Personalized Growth

Each breathwork session is carefully tailored to meet your individual needs and goals, ensuring that you receive personalized support and guidance every step of the way. Whether you're seeking relief from stress and anxiety, exploring unresolved trauma, or simply seeking a deeper connection with yourself, our sessions are designed to provide a safe and nurturing space for your healing journey.

Unlock the Healing Potential of Breath

Breathwork is a powerful tool for accessing the body's innate healing wisdom, allowing you to release stored tension, emotions, and trauma held within the body-mind system. Through intentional breathwork practices, you'll learn to cultivate awareness of your breath, harness its transformative power, and tap into your body's natural ability to heal and restore balance.

Deep Insights and Profound Relaxation

Our tailored breathwork sessions offer a unique opportunity to access deeper states of consciousness, allowing you to uncover insights, memories, and emotions that may be hidden beneath the surface. As you journey inward, you'll experience profound relaxation, inner peace, and a sense of wholeness that transcends the limitations of the mind.

Healing from Trauma

Breathwork has been shown to be highly effective in supporting trauma healing, providing a gentle yet powerful pathway to release trauma stored in the body and nervous system. Our trauma-informed approach to breathwork ensures that you feel safe, supported, and empowered as you navigate your healing journey.

Experience the Transformative Power of Breath

Whether you're seeking relief from stress, healing from trauma, or simply looking to deepen your spiritual practice, our tailored breathwork sessions offer a profound opportunity for growth, healing, and self-discovery. Step into a space of profound transformation as you harness the healing potential of your breath and awaken to the infinite possibilities that lie within.

If you're ready to experience the transformative power of breath, we invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Together, we'll unlock the full potential of your breath and awaken to the beauty of your true essence.

Formats of Work
Reach out to schedule a consultation and begin moving towards a more meaningful and authentic life!

I work in English and Russian, Online/Zoom and In Person/Zurich,Switzerland
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